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What Happens after 4 Months of Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant is the ideal solution for people that suffer from Androgenetic Alopecia or genetic hair loss. By undergoing the surgery, you can get your natural hair back on your head permanently. However, you need to understand that it is not magic but a surgical procedure, and it needs some time to show the results. So, you need to be committed to long-term medical therapy and treatment. Sometimes, follow-up procedures are recommended as well, since hair transplant definitely covers the balding area, but the hair on the other parts of the head may still continue to fall out. At Twachaa by Saraswat, hair transplants are performed by the best hair transplant doctors in Gurgaon to achieve the best results. In this blog, we will explain how hair grows and what happens within a few months after the surgery.

What Happens after 4 Months of Hair Transplant?

Growth of Hair after a Hair Transplant

Hair transplant is a gradual process. There are several phases of hair growth – Anagen (the growing phase), Catagen (the regressing phase), and Telogen (the resting phase). After the surgery, the transplanted hair undergoes a temporary phase of normal shedding. This phase takes place within 2-4 weeks after the transplant, and this may resume up to 4 months. And the ending of this phase, new hair starts growing from the follicles. This generally happens from the fourth month onwards. Initially, the newly grown hair comes out less dense, and thinner. However, over time, the hair achieves the perfect density and thickness, as desired by the patient.

What Happens to the Transplanted Hair after 4 Months of the Surgery?

After 3-4 months after a hair transplant surgery, almost 30%-40% of the transplanted hair comes out into the growing, known as the Anagen phase. After that, approximately 10% of the transplanted hair starts growing out every month. Most patients have their heads covered by 80% of transplanted hair within eight months after the procedure. It is safe to say that complete growth of transplanted hair generally takes around 12-15 months with FUE procedure and around 12-18 months with FUT hair transplant in Gurgaon after the surgery.

Why Choose Twachaa by Saraswat for Hair Transplant

Twachaa by Saraswat is one of the best clinics that perform FUT and FUE hair transplants in Gurgaon. Run by two ABHRS-certified doctors with more than 17 years of experience in the cosmetic field, the clinic offers customised treatment options according to the severity of hair loss and desired results of the patient after the surgery.

Dr. Satya Kumar Saraswat, the best hair transplant doctor in Gurgaon, is an MBBS, MS, M.Ch, and Gold Medallist in DNB in plastic and cosmetic surgery (awarded by the Health Minister of India in 2007). As a member of several international boards in the cosmetic field including ABHRS and ISHRS, Dr. Saraswat specialises in all types of hair restoration procedures.

Dr. Preeti Saraswat is an MBBS and PGDCC from the University of Greifswald, Germany. With more than 7 years of experience in the field, she is an expert in modern cosmetic procedures. With her broad knowledge in clinical cosmetology, she offers the best treatment options to her patients. Apart from being the diplomate of ABHRS, she is a full member of ISHRS.

Conclusion: If you want a permanent solution to baldness, do not hesitate to undergo hair transplant surgery. You will be able to see the results just within 4 months after the surgery. Visit Twachaa by Saraswat and let the experts perform a Trichoscopy analysis on you to decide whether you may go for FUT or FUE hair transplant in Gurgaon. Contact the team by sending a mail at

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